If you have been a fan of Jaunimo g. 1, Subačiškės, for a while then you will have heard of 'Mystery Boxes'...

Mystery Boxes Are Back!
If you have been a fan of Jaunimo g. 1, Subačiškės, for a while then you will have heard of 'Mystery Boxes'...

We are bringing back 3 options today for 24 hours only.

The Survival Box
The Deluxe Box
The Platinum Box

They are distinguished into three price points, an entry level Survival box that is designed for people to test Jaunimo g. 1, Subačiškės, out up to The Platinum box which allows our established customers grab full outfits that will keep you going throughout the upcoming month.

Each box contains a mixture of best selling items, un released samples & 1 of 1 designs never seen by our customers. Each box is hand picked by the studio team with your outfits in mind to help you stand out from the crowd.

If you are worried about our Mystery Boxes & trusting the quality of them, then don't just listen to us, take a look at all our trusted and valued customers.

Read Our Reviews Here