Jaunimo g. 1, Subačiškės, - News 2022-12-13T11:03:29+00:00 Jaunimo g. 1, Subačiškės, 2018-02-16T11:10:00+00:00 2018-02-16T11:17:22+00:00 Bpositive Donation 304 Online Admin More

304 Partnering with Bpositive

When you purchase any item on our website, you will be promoted with the opportunity to add a donation to Bpositive Charity. The money will be collected each month & then used to fund the Bpositive merchandise. Any one who contributes or helps the none profit charity is always given a T-Shirt or Hoodie as a thank you and also a way to raise awareness of the charity. This way Bpositive will be able to use Jaunimo g. 1, Subačiškės,'s contacts to get their merchandise made at cost price and allow them to spread the word and retain the money in the charity to go and speak to more patients. 

Why Bpositive?

Bpositive was borne out of one Acute Leukaemia patient's struggle to find a suitable outlet for his own questions needing answers. Jonjo Rooney was diagnosed with ALL on December 16th 2006 at the age of 23. Like a bolt out of the blue his world and the worlds of those closest to him were changed irrevocably, forever. 

Patients diagnosed with acute leukaemia can often feel isolated and lonely and want to reach out. Despite the incredible support their families and friends bring, many desperately want to talk to someone, who, through their own experience, knows exactly what it is like to walk in their shoes, someone who has been where they, themselves, are now. 

Throughout his treatment Jonjo spoke of his desire to talk to someone who knew what it was like to be where he was. Someone who could relate to the experience he was going through; a human face that wasn't a doctor or a nurse or related to him, just someone who understood.

Bpositive is a beacon of moral support for acute leukaemia patients, their families and their friends; a network of people who understand, through first-hand experience themselves, and are there to offer them support in any way they possibly can.

More information on our partnership with Bpositive will follow in the coming weeks... Keep an eye on our Youtube channel 'Channel 304' for all behind the scenes and Vlogs. 
