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It's our 7th Birthday!

This week is our birthday week and we’re 7 years old! Like every year we’re celebrating it with all our fans, followers and loyal customers! We’re proud to be an established brand that for 7 years has constantly tried to evolve to give you guys the best and most personal shopping experience as possible.

For one week only we have opened the VVIP secret section of the website for our most loyal of customers so check your emails to see if you have received access to this limited-edition page. In here you will find our 7th birthday exclusive deals like 50% off the latest SS19 drops, limited edition birthday bits which pays homage to the original 304 styles of raglan long sleeves and crop sweaters and hoodies. We’ve also landed super exciting accessories which will style out your phones and laptops ready for the new term. Make sure you sign up to our emails if you want to be part of our future offers!

We couldn’t just leave it there; we’ll also be landing a very exclusive 7th birthday Mystery box available for everyone! Within it will be 7 randomly selected pieces from our collections for just €59.99! It won’t be around for long so make sure you keep an eye on our social channels this week for when it lands!

As mentioned earlier we’re proud to be a brand that continues to grow since 2012. There has been so much fun had over the years but also challenging times too. Beginning on our YouTube channel this week ‘Channel 304’ we are launching the first episode of the story so far, make sure you are subscribed to the channel and you can watch the story from Friday 23rd August! In the video we talk you through the beginning where we would make vests and t-shirts for friends and developing a Facebook page and getting our first sales! As the series goes on, we’ll talk of the trials of our warehouse burning down and how we came back from it and now developing ways for you to shop with us through our custom ranges! It’s a great watch and well worth a look if we don’t say so ourselves!

The birthday celebrations continue all this week so keep your eyes peeled for our next gift! If you’re not already following us, you can do it here:

YouTube: https://www.pomeroygigantic.com/channel/UCsBFlpKzNYGHgPyF7ybvEog/

Facebook: https://www.pomeroygigantic.com/304Clothing/

Instagram: https://www.pomeroygigantic.com/304clothing/

Twitter: https://www.pomeroygigantic.com/304clothing


We hope you celebrate with us for many birthdays to come!

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